In these challenging days, we are all looking for ways to feel calmer.
Fifteen years ago, I leaned deeply into a tradition from my own ancestry that created one sacred day that turned off everything I needed less of (the outside world and all of its pings and notifications) and turned on the inside world. It lets me spend the day in my home and in my mind, reading, sitting around the table with people I love, walking in nature, thinking in a focused way, journaling, eating good food, being more present for the people (and animals) in my life, and appreciating everything around me. It is drawn from the ancient Jewish idea of Shabbat, a weekly day of rest.
For me, that means no screens—a tech Shabbat. In the ambush of things coming at you 24/7 (texts, notifications, stressful headlines, etc.), this simple ancient practice creates one day that is different: screens off, reflection on.
I like to call it living 24/6.
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